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How to find out the password of the WiFi network you are connected to is an easy way

How to find out the password of the WiFi network you are connected to is an easy way

 We all suffer from knowing the password that we use to connect to the Wi-Fi network on the phone or on the computer

 Sometimes we have to give someone a connection to the internet we use

 But it happens that you do not know the password to the network!  In this post, I will present to you the method that I used to find out

How to find out the password of the WiFi network you are connected to is an easy way

At first, you must download the official and original Google browser, and if it is on your phone, there is no need to download

 But if your phone is Huawei, make sure that the browser you are using has the same feature that is in the Google Chrome browser

 The feature through which you can find out the password of the network to which you are connected, which I will explain in detail


First of all, you have to log in to the Wi-Fi network that you are connected to on your mobile phone

 From the settings to the network, then choose the network to which you are connected and press the “Settings” tab

 Then you press the QR CODE next to the network and it will quickly present you the QR CODE of the network to which you are connected

wifi Free

After you have seen the QR Code of the network you are connected to, you should now take a picture of the phone screen

 For Android phones, you have to press the power button and the volume down button at the same time to take a screenshot.

 After taking a QR Code screenshot of the network you are connected to, now you have to go to the Google Chrome browser

Wi-fi password 

To download the Google Chrome browser, click here, after going to the Google Chrome browser

 Click on the search box above at the top and look to the left of the search you see a button click on it

 The microphone button is not the button next to it, press it and choose the QR CODE image of the network you are connected to

 After selecting the QR CODE image of the network you are connected to, below there is a lot of information

 About the network name, password, and several things related to the Wi-Fi network to which it is connected

Find out the password of a WiFi network

By this method, you can find out the password of the WiFi network you are connected to.
